

4 results for Rfc
  • Network Working Group

    M. Allman, NASA Lewis/Sterling Software

    S. Ostermann, Ohio University

    C. Metz, The Inner Net

    Request for Comments: 2428

    Category: Standards Track

    September 1998

    Status of this Memo 本备忘录的状态

    This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the “Internet Official Protocol Standards” (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

    rfc Created Fri, 01 Mar 2024 21:05:49 +0800
  • Network Working Group

    S. Bellovin

    AT&T Bell Laboratories

    Request for Comments: 1579

    Category: Informational

    February 1994

    Status of this Memo 本备忘录的状态

    This document provides information for the Internet community. This document does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this document is unlimited.


    Abstract 摘要

    This memo describes a suggested change to the behavior of FTP client programs. No protocol modifications are required, though we outline some that might be useful.

    rfc Created Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:49:20 +0800
  • Network Working Group

    P. Hethmon

    Hethmon Software

    Request for Comments: 3659

    Updates: 959

    March 2007

    Status of This Memo 本备忘录的状态

    This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the “Internet Official Protocol Standards” (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

    本文档规定了互联网社区的一个互联网标准轨道协议,并请求讨论和改进建议。请参阅“互联网官方协议标准”(STD 1)的当前版本,了解本协议的标准化状态和状态。本备忘录的分发是不受限制的。

    rfc Created Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:05:36 +0800
  • Network Working Group

    Request for Comments: 959

    J. Postel

    J. Reynolds


    October 1985

    Status of this Memo 本备忘录的状态

    This memo is the official specification of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


    The following new optional commands are included in this edition of the specification:


    • CDUP (Change to Parent Directory 切换到父目录)
    • SMNT (Structure Mount 结构挂载)
    • STOU (Store Unique 存储唯一文件)
    • RMD (Remove Directory 移除目录)
    • MKD (Make Directory 创建目录)
    • PWD (Print Directory 打印目录)
    • SYST (System 系统).

    Note that this specification is compatible with the previous edition.

    rfc Created Sat, 24 Feb 2024 20:37:50 +0800