The drawing titled “The ‘close’ and the ‘far’ of the Internet” depicts a spider-web-like structure with numerous cells, each containing an individual seated in front of a computer. This visual metaphor encapsulates the interconnected nature of the internet, illustrating how people occupy distinct positions within a vast network.
The spider-web structure symbolizes the internet, where each individual is connected through technology, allowing for the exchange of messages and information. Despite physical distances, individuals on the internet can feel an artificial sense of closeness, as if they are in proximity, when in reality, they might be geographically distant. Conversely, individuals who are physically near can feel emotionally or socially distant due to the lack of digital interaction.
Dear Editors,
I am writing to express my concerns about the unsuccessful restrictions on plastic bag usage in some regions, as reported in your recent article on “white pollution”. While I firmly support the ban on plastic bags, it is crucial to understand why they remain widely used and address the root causes.
Plastic bags are popular due to their affordability, lightweight nature, and convenience – advantages that other alternatives often lack. Any policy aimed at curbing plastic bag usage must overcome these inherent benefits to be truly effective. To this end, I would like to propose the following suggestions: