azarasi / The Art of Shorthand: A Forerunner of Modern Communication

Created Wed, 21 Aug 2024 14:40:50 +0800 Modified Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:31:40 +0000
948 Words

In the bustling world of journalism, where every second counts, the art of shorthand has long been a vital skill. This technique, a forerunner of modern rapid communication methods, allows reporters to quickly jot down information during interviews or press conferences. As a young journalist at The Times, I was disposed to learning this craft, recognizing its value in capturing the essence of a story.


My first major assignment was to cover a high-stakes political debate. With tensions high and reputations at stake, I arrived early, a flask of coffee in hand to keep me alert. The debate hall was packed, and I managed to perch on a chair near the front. As the candidates took the stage, the audience began to cheer on their favorites, creating an atmosphere of excitement and suspense.


As the debate progressed, I furiously scribbled in shorthand, my pen racing across the page. One candidate, known for his tendency to flaunt his achievements, made a bold claim about reducing pollution in local waterways. He boasted about replacing harmful detergents with eco-friendly alternatives and implementing a diversion system for industrial waste. His opponent, however, was quick to challenge these assertions, arguing that the situation had actually dropped back to previous levels, let alone shown any improvement.


At length, the moderator called for a brief recess. I took the opportunity to review my notes, grateful for the shorthand that allowed me to capture every nuance of the heated exchange. As I glanced around the room, I noticed other reporters struggling to decipher their hastily scrawled notes. It was then that I truly appreciated the advantage my skill gave credit for in this competitive field.


As the debate drew to a close, I prepared to turn in my article. The gravel crunching under my feet as I left the hall reminded me of the rough road ahead in my career. But with my trusty shorthand and a pine-scented notebook always on hand, I felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the world of journalism.
