azarasi / A Chaotic Day at School 学校的混乱一天

Created Wed, 28 Aug 2024 16:42:57 +0800 Modified Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:31:40 +0000
199 Words

As the bell rang, a handful of students scuffled in the hallway, causing a commotion. The teacher decided to undertake the task of restoring order. She saw to it that the troublemakers were sent to the principal’s office. Later, she chalked up the incident to teenage restlessness. She announced that all assignments must be submitted by Friday at the latest, and used chalk to write the deadline on the board.

当铃声响起时,一小撮 学生在走廊里发生扭打 ,引起了骚动。老师决定承担 恢复秩序的任务。她确保 捣乱的学生被送到校长办公室。后来,她这起事件归因于 青少年的躁动。她宣布所有作业必须最迟at the latest)在周五前提交,并用粉笔chalk)在黑板上写下了截止日期。