Oskar Forsslund
Stockholm, Sweden 2013
DD221X, Master’s Thesis in Computer Science (30 ECTS credits)
Degree Program in Computer Science and Engineering 300 credits
Master Programme in Computer Science 120 credits
Royal Institute of Technology year 2013
Supervisor at CSC was Douglas Wikström
Examiner was Jens Lagergren
TRITA-CSC-E 2013:019
Royal Institute of Technology
School of Computer Science and Communication
KTH Computer Science and Communication
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
URL: www.kth.se/csc
Abstract 摘要
This thesis rigorously investigates the differences in performance and development impact between the use of parsed scripts and embedded Lua scripts within the domain of in-game event evaluation in computer games. The focus of this study is an analytical comparison of the performance differences between these two methodologies, with a secondary focus on their respective impact on the development process.
The scope of this research is limited to an investigation within the context of “Europa Universalis III” (EU3), a game developed by Paradox Development Studio (Paradox). The methodology involved the construction of a framework to facilitate the evaluation of in-game events via Lua scripts within EU3. The performance metrics of events executed through the Lua framework were then compared to those executed through the game’s original event evaluation system. Lua, an embedded scripting language used in video games since the 1990s, is known for its minimal memory footprint and accelerated execution speeds. Conversely, the traditional event evaluation mechanism in EU3 uses parsed script files executed as C++ code. The comparative analysis highlights the inherent advantages and limitations of each approach.
研究范围专门聚焦于“欧陆风云III”(EU3)这一Paradox Development Studio(Paradox)开发的游戏。通过建立一个框架,本研究旨在便捷地使用Lua脚本对EU3中的游戏事件进行评估。随后,将通过此Lua框架执行的事件的性能指标与游戏原生事件评估系统执行的事件进行了对比分析。Lua作为一种自九十年代起便广泛应用于视频游戏的嵌入式脚本语言,其最大的特点是占用内存少,执行速度快。而EU3的传统事件评估机制,则是通过解析作为C++代码执行的脚本文件。通过比较分析,本研究突显了每种方法的优势及局限性。
The use of an embedded scripting language such as Lua offers significant advantages, primarily in terms of increased flexibility and streamlined integration of new functionality. Conversely, parsed scripts exhibit superior performance metrics, underscoring a significant advantage in computational efficiency.
Preface 前言
Target Audience 目标读者
This thesis is primarily aimed at developers who are considering integrating Lua into C/C++ applications. It also has a broader appeal to those considering incorporating any scripting language into their software products. In addition, individuals with a keen interest in the performance aspects of Lua, despite the specific focus on its application within “Europa Universalis III” (EU3), may find this study of particular relevance.
Acknowledgements 致谢
Thanks to Jimmy Rönn for his indispensable guidance in navigating the complexities of EU3’s event system and for being an exceptional sounding board.
在此,我特别感谢Jimmy Rönn对于我深入理解EU3事件系统复杂性提供的关键指导和卓越支持。
Thanks also to Mike Pall and the entire Lua mailing list community for their invaluable help and patience in dealing with numerous requests.
同样,我要感谢Mike Pall以及Lua邮件列表社区的全体成员,他们在处理无数请求时展现出的宝贵帮助与无尽耐心,对我而言至关重要。
Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the staff at the Paradox office for their hospitality over the course of six months and for providing a pleasant and supportive working environment.
Chapter 1 Background 背景
1.1 Problem 问题
1.1.1 In-game Events 游戏内事件
An Overview of the Structure of Computer Games 计算机游戏结构概述
The term computer game encompasses a wide range of interactive digital programs, each of which is designed to present users with challenges and goals. Although perceptions of what constitutes a computer game may vary widely, a unifying characterization emerges when they are viewed as interactive programs that engage users through various forms of challenges, often toward the achievement of defined goals. This definition encompasses a wide range of game types, from rudimentary text-based interfaces that solicit direct responses to questions to expansive, graphically rich environments where players engage in complex adventures with a global community.
Regardless of their complexity or subject matter, computer games share essential structural elements. These elements are shown in Figure 1.1, which illustrates a typical computer game architecture. The diagram illustrates the flow of interaction, beginning with the player’s engagement through the user interface (UI). This interface can range from simple text prompts, similar to a command console, to sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with audio components. Player input is passed to the game engine, which in turn interprets the input to modify the game state according to predefined rules.
The game state encapsulates the current conditions within the game environment. It contains data that can be as simple as the player’s responses or, as seen in “Europa Universalis III” (EU3), comprehensive details on the economic, political, industrial, and military aspects of all the nations within the game’s universe. Saving a game preserves this complex state of the game for future play.

Figure 1.1: Typical structure of a modern computer game
Artificial Intelligence (AI) also plays a vital role in game design. Although AI is typically associated with non-player characters, it essentially controls all aspects of the game that the player does not directly control. The AI operates by analyzing the current state of the game and applying a set of rules to determine its actions. These decisions are based on matching game conditions with predefined behaviors, with mechanisms in place to prioritize actions when multiple options are viable. This prioritization ensures that the AI chooses the most appropriate action from the available alternatives.
Resulting changes in game state caused by AI decisions or player actions are communicated back to the player through the UI, completing the cycle of interaction and state evolution within the game.
In-game Events 游戏内事件
In-game events, as the name implies, are occurrences within the game environment that are activated by the game’s artificial intelligence (AI) and result in changes to the state of the game. In Europa Universalis III (EU3), these events are perceived as seemingly random occurrences that have a significant impact on gameplay.
This study focuses on a critical component of in-game events known as the trigger mechanism. While several elements make up an event, the trigger is of primary interest for this analysis due to its intensive computational requirements during the event evaluation process. Other components, while essential to the execution of in-game events, do not play the central role in event evaluation that the trigger does.
The trigger mechanism acts as a logical expression that is evaluated against the current game state to determine the feasibility of an event occurring. In the traditional system, where in-game events are derived from parsed script files, the trigger is constructed as a hierarchical logical structure similar to a tree. In this architecture, each leaf represents a state request, and each node represents a logical operator. The trigger evaluation process involves a recursive traversal of this tree, starting at the root node and aggregating the logical results.
Trigger evaluation, and by extension, the entire event evaluation process, is performed in C++, a language known for its performance efficiency. The need for speed in this context is underscored by the large number of event evaluations that are performed during a game session, which must not adversely affect system performance in order to maintain an enjoyable game experience. However, the exclusive reliance on C++ for EU3’s event-handling system introduces inevitable tradeoffs that will be explored in the following sections. For this performance-oriented study, a comparative analysis was conducted between the trigger evaluation times using Lua and those using EU3’s existing C++-based event evaluation system.
1.1.2 Embedded Scripts vs. Parsed 嵌入式脚本与解析脚本
The juxtaposition of embedding a scripting language in a program versus using parsed script files to dictate program behavior can be distilled into a discourse of usability versus speed.
Embedding a scripting language provides the developer with a comprehensive programming toolkit that significantly reduces the need for additional coding compared to developing a custom parser. While the onus remains on the developer to delineate much of the terminal functionality, the adoption of an embedded scripting language can ease the development burden due to its inherently comprehensive nature. For example, integrating various integer comparison operations through parsed scripts requires either the implementation of multiple comparison functions or an increase in parser complexity to accommodate these comparisons. Conversely, an embedded scripting language inherently provides a set of basic functionalities, relegating the need for custom development to more sophisticated functionalities- a necessity regardless of the scripting methodology employed.
However, the use of embedded scripting languages has its drawbacks, primarily in terms of performance. The execution of scripted functionality requires a transition from the main program to the scripts, which has two main drawbacks:
Alternating between execution of the main program and scripts introduces runtime overhead that is not present in parsed scripts. In addition, the transfer of information between these components introduces additional overhead, in contrast to a model where information is managed exclusively within the main program.
Scripting languages typically have lower execution speeds than the languages used for the main program.
Conversely, the parsing process associated with script files also introduces execution overhead. This overhead can be mitigated by using an embedded script that approximates the execution speed of the main program and is complemented by a fast compilation process. Nonetheless, the parsing overhead, which is primarily a one-time occurrence, warrants consideration, especially when the entire runtime of the program, rather than just the post-startup execution, is critical.
1.2 Lua
This section provides a brief introduction to the Lua scripting language. Lua has been the choice of many video game developers due to its efficiency, power, and compact size. The purpose of this introduction is to provide a basic understanding of Lua in order to facilitate a better understanding of the discourse that follows. For those interested in a more in-depth exploration, there are many resources available, including the official Lua website.
1.2.1 Overview Lua Lua概览
Conceived in the early 1990s by researchers at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Lua was designed to integrate seamlessly with C programs. Lua’s complete source code is written in ANSI standard C and consists of approximately 17,000 lines. It features dynamic typing, automatic garbage collection, and the treatment of functions as first-class citizens. A distinctive feature of Lua is its extensive use of tables as the primary data structure, facilitating the nesting of tables within tables. The global namespace itself is implemented as a table, making variable assignments equivalent to modifying fields within that table.
Lua supports a variety of data types, including boolean, number, string, user data, function, thread, table, and nil. Unassigned variables are defaulted to nil. Indexing in Lua starts at 1. Initially, Lua did not provide native support for multi-threading, meaning that threads in Lua do not execute concurrently.
One notable aspect of Lua that proved invaluable in this research is its extensive string manipulation capabilities and support for regular expressions.
Lua Code Example Lua代码示例
To illustrate the syntax and capabilities of Lua, a sample Lua code is presented below. This particular script was designed to count the frequency of function usage within the EU3 event files. The script reads the events/file
list file line by line and counts the occurrences of function names mentioned within the files specified on each line.
funcs = {}
function list_funcs(str)
for match in str:gmatch("%a[%a_]*%b()%s+>?=%s+%d+") do
if not funcs[match] then
funcs[match] = 1
funcs[match] = 1 + funcs[match]
for match in str:gmatch("(%a[%a_]*%b())%s+[^>=]") do
if not funcs[match] then
funcs[match] = 1
funcs[match] = 1 + funcs[match]
for line in io.lines("events/filelist") do
if line then
local file = io.open("events/" .. line, "r")
local content = file:read("*a")
for match in content:gmatch("trigger%s+=%s+%b[]") do
for match in content:gmatch("trigger_prefix%s+=%s+%b[]") do
file = io.open("funclist_unsort", "w")
for k, v in pairs(funcs) do
file:write(k .. "\t" .. v .. "\n")
1.2.2 Integration of Lua with C Lua与C的集成
As described in the previous discourse, Lua is designed to integrate seamlessly with C applications. This integration is achieved through the lua_State
object, coupled with a comprehensive C application programming interface (API). The API provides functions for manipulating the lua_State
and facilitates the execution of Lua scripts within it. The lua_State
holds data from Lua scripts and manages the Lua stack, which is crucial for interactions between Lua and C.
Calling a Lua function from C requires placing the desired function on the Lua stack, which can be achieved through methods such as lua_getglobal
The arguments are then pushed onto the stack in the order in which they appear, culminating in the execution of lua_call
. This function completes the call and removes the function and its arguments from the stack. It is then up to the Lua function to append any results to the stack in the order they were generated. Manipulating the stack, mainly through push and pop operations, also allows indexing from both ends. The index of the top element is synonymous with the total number of elements on the stack, following Lua’s indexing convention of 1. Negative indices are used to reference the stack inversely, with -1
indicating the top element; these are called pseudo-indexes.
1.2.3 LuaJIT and Its Utilization LuaJIT及其利用
For this project, LuaJIT was used to improve performance. LuaJIT, as described on its project homepage, serves as an alternative Lua compiler that improves performance at the expense of reduced portability. LuaJIT’s portability limitations have not hindered this project, as it is compatible with most major platforms. The performance improvement achieved by LuaJIT is substantial, as will be discussed in Section 3.3.
1.2.4 Lua’s Historical Embedment in Video Game Development Lua在视频游戏开发中的历史应用
The use of Lua in video game development is a phenomenon that has been around for a while. Its potential was quickly recognized by developers, leading to its integration into numerous widely played games, with “World of Warcraft” being a prime example. An examination of the extensive documentation of Lua’s use in games available on the Lua user wiki reveals its frequent use for tasks such as user interface (UI) management, in-game event handling, game logic orchestration, and dynamic in-game parameter adjustment. This aligns closely with efforts at Paradox, particularly in the area of in-game event management.
Chapter 2 Methodology 方法论
2.1 Workflow Implementation 工作流程实施
The first phase of this research involved the development of a preliminary version of the “Europa Universalis III” (EU3) event handling system using Lua, which was subsequently integrated into the EU3 game framework. This basic iteration aimed to verify the feasibility of using Lua for event evaluation purposes. The implementation phase involved the introduction of an alternative event evaluation mechanism within EU3 using Lua. This process required the creation of a set of functions within Lua to access the necessary in-game data, as well as the conversion of existing event scripts to be compatible with the Lua infrastructure.
Subsequent iterations focused on improving the efficiency of the system by identifying and refining areas of the code that were not performing optimally. This refinement process included both the evaluation algorithms and the structural organization of the events. A detailed examination of these scoring techniques and the significant improvements made is described in Section 3.2.
2.2 Testing Framework 测试框架
2.2.1 Objective of Testing 测试目的
Testing was conducted exclusively on a single computer system embedded within the continuous development cycle. The primary purpose of the testing framework was to identify performance bottlenecks within the new event evaluation framework and quantify the effectiveness of the developed solution.
The decision to limit testing to a single system was based on the goal of obtaining a preliminary comparison of the relative execution speeds of the two systems under consideration. The significant performance limitations of the developed framework would be consistent across different hardware architectures, facilitating the identification of significant inefficiencies.
A broader test environment would be advantageous for more granular analysis. However, for this project, the test configuration employed was deemed sufficient to provide the necessary insights.
2.2.2 Testing Methodology 测试方法
The evaluation of the developed framework was performed within the game environment using an existing debugging and testing console integrated into the EU3 source code. This console was enhanced with event analysis functionality to allow a comparative analysis of execution speeds between the Lua-based system and the original implementation.
Execution timings were recorded using high-resolution timing mechanisms available in the Windows operating environment. The event evaluation processes specific to each system were encapsulated within a timing framework that allowed the identification of events that exhibited performance discrepancies when evaluated using Lua.
After identifying events with performance discrepancies, further analysis was performed using the GlowCode profiling tool. This tool facilitated the precise identification of performance bottlenecks within the event evaluation process, providing insight into potential optimizations.
GlowCode also provided a breakdown of the time allocation between Lua execution and C++ processing, providing a nuanced understanding of the performance dynamics between the two programming environments.
Chapter 3 Results 结果
3.1 Implementation and Impact of Lua in Event Handling 在事件处理中实施Lua及其影响
Rationale for Integrating Lua 集成Lua的原因
Paradox’s decision to explore integrating Lua into its development pipeline stems from a strategic evaluation to improve its event implementation process. Events are a central element of Paradox’s game design, serving not only as a critical driver of gameplay but also significantly influencing the narrative and dynamics of the game environment. As such, an efficient and flexible event-handling system provides significant benefits to both the development team and broader business objectives.
Incorporating an embedded scripting language such as Lua offers two main advantages over traditional parsed scripting methods:
Dynamic script modification: Embedded scripting languages allow scripts to be modified and adjusted in real-time without having to reload an entire game or script. This feature dramatically streamlines the scripting process, allowing for rapid iteration and debugging of scripts, accelerating the development cycle.
Advanced scripting capabilities: Unlike parsed scripts, which serve primarily as directives to the game engine, embedded scripts operate as standalone mini-programs. This autonomy allows scripters to implement new functionality directly within the scripts themselves, fostering innovation and allowing new ideas to be immediately integrated into the game environment without waiting for engine updates. This capability is invaluable for prototyping and experimenting with new game mechanics.
However, the most important consideration when introducing a new event-handling system is the need to minimize any negative impact on system performance.
Event File Structure 事件文件结构
In the revised event handling system, event files are constructed as Lua scripts. Upon game initialization, these scripts populate the lua_State
with event-related data. Then, triggers for each event are stored within the lua_State
as functions, each encapsulating a logical expression that evaluates the game state against the event’s trigger conditions.
Methodology for Event Evaluation 事件评估方法
Evaluating an event’s trigger within this framework involves calling the appropriate trigger function from C++ and providing relevant contextual information (such as references to specific countries or provinces). This approach simplifies the trigger evaluation process and allows for seamless integration between the game’s C++ core and the Lua scripting layer.
3.2 Improvements 改进
3.2.1 Efficiency Challenges with String Management 字符串管理的效率挑战
A critical oversight in the initial use of Lua for event evaluation was the inefficient management of strings. The original implementation suffered significant performance penalties due to the frequent creation and handling of strings, which are used extensively within the Europa Universalis III (EU3) framework for various identifiers and flags in the game’s databases.
Due to Lua’s foundation in C, interoperability between Lua and C++ requires the use of the Lua stack, a construct inherently designed within the C language domain. Consequently, C++ string objects cannot be directly manipulated on the Lua stack. To bridge Lua scripts with C++, strings must be dynamically allocated in C++ to accommodate the C-based string representations derived from Lua, which imposes a significant performance overhead.
Strategic Improvements in String Handling 字符串处理的战略改进
To address this inefficiency, an innovative approach was taken to store and manage strings on the C++ side, identified by integer mappings. This method allowed integers to be passed between Lua and C++ instead of strings, resulting in a significant improvement in execution speed. While this solution introduces an additional layer of lookup for each string, it significantly mitigates the overhead associated with string generation at runtime.
This challenge highlights a notable advantage of parsed scripts over embedded scripting languages. Parsed scripts inherently preprocess and store all necessary strings during the parsing phase, eliminating the need for runtime string generation and thus improving performance during the event evaluation process exemplified in the EU3 game engine. Alternatively, as demonstrated in this study, aligning data formats between the embedded scripting language and the host language (C++) is a viable strategy to circumvent the identified performance bottleneck.
The resolution of the string management inefficiency represents a critical refinement within the Lua-based event handling framework, illustrating the nuanced considerations essential to optimizing performance in game development. This enhancement not only underscores the importance of data format compatibility between scripting and host languages but also highlights the potential for embedded scripting languages to streamline game development processes when effectively integrated.
3.2.2 Mitigating Transition Overheads 缓解转换开销
A key challenge in integrating Lua with C++ was to mitigate the performance overhead associated with transitions between the two languages. Two primary strategies were explored to address this issue: batch processing and preloading of information.
Batch Processing Approach 批处理方法
The principle of batch processing is based on the premise that consolidating multiple calls into a single transition between Lua and C++ would yield performance benefits. This approach involves running a collection of C++ functions called Lua with a list of functions as arguments. These functions are then executed sequentially within C++, with their return values aggregated and then returned to Lua. This method effectively reduces the frequency of Lua-to-C++ transitions.
However, this strategy is limited by its inability to take advantage of the lazy evaluation mechanisms inherent in logical expressions. Lazy evaluation allows expression evaluation to be terminated as soon as the result can be determined without the need to process all parameters.
Consequently, batch processing, by requiring the pre-fetching of all data, could result in the retrieval of unnecessary information, thereby degrading performance in scenarios where not all data is used.
Ultimately, the decision was made not to use batch as a general solution because it tended to underperform in cases where only a subset of the pre-fetched data is needed. The effectiveness of batch still depends on the judicious selection of operations to batch, a task of considerable complexity.
Pre-loading Data 预加载数据
Preloading is an anticipatory approach that aims to identify and cache data that is frequently accessed during event evaluation. By storing this data for reuse within a single evaluation, the methodology seeks to reduce the cumulative number of function calls. Although comprehensive implementation across all EU3 events was limited by the large size of the game, targeted application of preloading demonstrated potential performance improvements.
As with batch processing, the effectiveness of preloading depends on the careful selection of the data to be cached. Preloading data that is ultimately unused can negatively impact performance, underscoring the importance of strategic data selection.
A hypothetical alternative to preloading could be localized caching within the evaluation process. While not pursued in this study due to the complexity and time constraints of the project, localized caching could provide a sophisticated means to further optimize performance by minimizing redundant data retrieval.
3.2.3 Database Localization for Enhanced Performance 数据库本地化以提高性能
Splitting program execution between two languages requires strategic decisions regarding the allocation of computational tasks and data storage. An exploratory approach was taken to investigate the potential benefits of migrating databases from C++ to Lua to mitigate the performance overhead associated with cross-language interactions. This involved creating a Lua-based snapshot of a database and comparing event evaluation times with those of the traditional C++ database. Preliminary results indicated that localizing the database within Lua could improve the efficiency of event evaluation. However, the overall impact on overall system performance remained inconclusive due to the partial implementation of the database functionality within the Lua environment. Fully integrating the game’s database system into Lua would require extensive modifications to Europa Universalis III, a task beyond the scope and time constraints of this study. Nevertheless, this experiment underscores the importance of thoroughly evaluating the capabilities and limitations of the chosen scripting language in order to optimize performance effectively.
3.3 Comparative Analysis: Lua vs. LuaJIT 比较分析:Lua与LuaJIT
The investigation of the performance impact of integrating LuaJIT involved a direct comparison with the standard Lua libraries. The game was compiled using the LuaJIT libraries without any changes to the Lua event scripts or the C++ source code. The performance improvement due to LuaJIT was quantitatively assessed through rigorous testing, as shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2.

Figure 3.1: Difference in average evaluation time of triggers evaluated in C++, Lua and Lua with LuaJIT
Figure 3.1 illustrates the variance in average trigger evaluation times across the different setups. The methodology for calculating the average evaluation time involved timing the evaluation of each event under different Lua configurations, normalizing these times against a C++ benchmark, and then averaging these normalized values across all events. This figure illustrates the relative efficiency of the different configurations, highlighting the performance difference between standard Lua and LuaJIT-enhanced executions.
图3.1 显示了在不同配置下平均触发评估时间的变化。计算平均评估时间的方法涉及在不同Lua配置下对每个事件的评估进行计时,将这些时间相对于C++的基准进行标准化,然后计算所有事件的这些标准化值的平均值。该图表展示了不同配置的相对效率,并强调了标准Lua与LuaJIT增强执行之间的性能差异。
Figure 3.2 presents a focused analysis of the performance gains achieved by the LuaJIT implementation. The improvement metric is derived from the formula: 1-(evaluation time with LuaJIT/evaluation time with regular Lua)
. This calculation averaged over all evaluated events, demonstrates the significant performance benefits provided by LuaJIT.
图3.2 对LuaJIT实施带来的性能提升进行了详细分析。改进指标是基于以下公式得出的:1-(LuaJIT评估时间/常规Lua评估时间)

Figure 3.2: Improvement in evaluation times of events using LuaJIT instead of the regular Lua compiler
These results illustrate the significant improvement in event evaluation efficiency that can be achieved with LuaJIT and underscore the potential of advanced scripting language compilers in optimizing game development processes.
3.4 Results 结果
3.4.1 Performance Evaluation 性能评估
Decision Criteria for Lua Integration Lua集成的决策标准
The decision to use Lua in a project depends mainly on the specific application of the scripting language. It is crucial to recognize that Lua’s strength lies in something other than outperforming C++ in evaluating logical conditions applied to data managed in C++. The empirical results from the final configuration of the event evaluation system showed that event processing times ranged from 1.5 to 15 times slower than those of the original C++ setup. This discrepancy was expected, given the inherent overhead associated with bridging Lua and C++.
Analysis of Performance Discrepancies 性能差异分析
The use of GlowCode for performance analysis sheds light on the primary factors contributing to slower execution times within the Lua framework. A pattern emerged when examining events with similar performance metrics relative to their C++ counterparts. Events that closely matched the performance of the original setup were predominantly executed within the C++ domain. Conversely, events with significantly slower execution times had a higher proportion of their processing within Lua.
This distinction underscores a fundamental aspect of the event evaluation process, which consists of three primary stages:
Initialization and invocation: The process begins with preparing and invoking the event from C++, which involves setting up arguments on the stack. This phase is common to all events.
Evaluation: The core of event evaluation involves retrieving in-game values and performing comparisons. Each data retrieval represents a call to C++, so performance is affected by the frequency and complexity of these calls.
Result processing: Finally, the result of the event analysis is passed back to C++, completing the process.
In pseudocode, this would look like this:
Preparation and Lua call // static overhead
for every line in event condition do:
fetch value from C++ side // done by calling C++ function
(compare to value) //not always done
return answer to C++ side // static overhead
The integration of Lua into the event handling framework of “Europa Universalis III” (EU3) has revealed a fundamental insight into the performance dynamics between Lua and C++. Each event evaluation involves an inherent overhead, both overall and specifically associated with calls to C++. For an event’s runtime to be predominantly occupied by C++ execution, the functions that retrieve in-game values must have significant processing times, rendering the overhead introduced by Lua for these events nearly inconsequential.
This observation is consistent with the empirical data collected, which indicates that the C++ functions used for data retrieval within Lua events closely mirror those used in traditional C++ event evaluation. Events that have comparable execution times to their C++ counterparts are characterized by data retrieval functions whose execution time minimizes the relative overhead of Lua. Conversely, events that are inherently fast in the original C++ framework tend to experience pronounced slowdowns when migrated to Lua due to the lightweight nature of their operations and the disproportionate impact of Lua’s overhead.
Figures 3.3 and 3.4, although not visually depicted here, support this trend by showing that events with longer execution times in C++ tend to exhibit less pronounced relative slowdowns in Lua, highlighting the correlation between the complexity of C++ operations and the efficiency of Lua integration.
Enhancements in Development Usability 开发可用性的增强
Moving to an embedded scripting language such as Lua offers significant advantages in terms of development flexibility and efficiency. The Lua-based implementation of EU3’s event handling system exemplifies the streamlined process of creating new events once the necessary game state querying functions have been established. Lua’s rich functionality enables the design of complex events beyond the capabilities of the original system, potentially facilitating the exploration of innovative game mechanics and narratives.
This usability benefit underscores Lua’s intrinsic value as a game development tool. It provides a robust and flexible framework for extending game functionality beyond the constraints of traditional parsed scripting systems. The ability to dynamically create and modify events within Lua improves the development workflow and provides a compelling argument for its integration despite the performance tradeoffs identified in certain scenarios.
Figure 3.3: Correlation between C++ runtime and relative runtime for country events

Figure 3.4: Correlation between C++ runtime and relative runtime for province events
3.5 Conclusions 结论
The investigation into the integration of Lua into the “Europa Universalis III” (EU3) event-handling framework leads to two main conclusions:
Performance Differential: Using Lua embedded in a C++ event handling environment does not achieve the same level of performance efficiency as a pure C++-based approach. This result underscores the inherent tradeoffs between the execution speed of embedded scripting languages and native code.
Advantages of Embedded Scripting Languages: Despite the performance differences, using an embedded scripting language such as Lua offers significant advantages in terms of development flexibility and ease of use. By design, embedded scripts provide a more dynamic and extensible framework for event handling than traditional parsed scripts.
This dichotomy between speed and usability highlights the key considerations that developers must weigh when choosing a scripting approach for game development. In scenarios where speed of execution is paramount, parsed scripts provide the optimal solution. Conversely, when development efficiency and flexibility are priorities, the advantages of embedded scripting languages such as Lua become apparent.
Although the Lua-based event handling system did not meet all performance expectations, its ease of use and extensibility are compelling advantages. Further optimizations and innovative approaches could narrow the performance gap between Lua and native C++ implementations.
This exploration of the comparative merits of parsed versus embedded scripting in the realm of game event handling contributes to a broader understanding of the strategic choices available to developers. The results of this study illuminate the tradeoffs involved in using scripting languages for game development and provide insight into how best to balance the competing demands of performance efficiency and development agility.
3.6 Future Work 未来工作
The investigation into the integration of Lua for event handling within “Europa Universalis III” (EU3) provides a foundation for further research and optimization efforts. Despite the observed sixfold increase in event evaluation time - approaching but not reaching Paradox’s goal of a maximum threefold increase - there are several avenues for improving performance and expanding the application of Lua within game development contexts.
Optimizing Data Storage with Lua 使用Lua优化数据存储
One promising approach is to localize in-game data within Lua, eliminating the performance overhead associated with cross-language calls to C++. Preliminary tests suggest a potential for performance improvement using this approach. This strategy is consistent with Roberto Ierusalimschy’s findings, which emphasize the delicate balance between minimizing overhead and managing the speed tradeoffs inherent in language selection for specific functionality. Further exploration of the optimal distribution of computational tasks between Lua and C++ could yield significant efficiency gains.
一种有前景的方法是在Lua中本地化游戏数据,以消除与C++跨语言调用相关的性能开销。初步测试表明,采用这种方法有潜力提升性能。这种策略与Roberto Ierusalimschy的发现相一致,他强调了在最小化开销和管理语言选择固有的速度权衡之间保持微妙平衡的重要性。进一步探索Lua和C++之间计算任务的最优分配可能会带来显著的效率提升。
Comprehensive Event Evaluation in Lua 在Lua中全面评估事件
An extension of the data localization strategy is to perform the entire event evaluation process in Lua, requiring the migration of all in-game information to Lua. While this approach may reduce function call overhead, it faces similar challenges in terms of overall execution speed in Lua compared to C++. The feasibility and implications of this comprehensive Lua evaluation model deserve thorough investigation.
Dual Scripting Systems for Development Flexibility 双脚本系统以提高开发灵活性
A hybrid model that utilizes both parsed and embedded scripts provides an innovative solution for balancing development agility with runtime efficiency. During the development phase, an embedded scripting environment could facilitate rapid prototyping and iteration, allowing for immediate adjustments and enhancements to game scripts. Subsequently, these scripts could be converted into a format compatible with a parser for use in production, taking advantage of the speed benefits of parsed scripts while retaining the development benefits of embedded scripting.
This dual-system approach requires careful management to avoid codebase fragmentation but has the potential to significantly improve the scripting workflow and provide a versatile toolset for game developers.
Chapter 4 Summary 总结
This thesis has begun a comprehensive analysis of the performance and development implications associated with integrating parsed and embedded scripts within the game event handling framework of the Paradox Development Studio, with Lua serving as the embedded scripting language of choice. The primary objective of this comparative study was to evaluate the performance metrics of these different setups, as well as to assess their impact on the game development process. Through the development and iterative refinement of a prototype, this research examined the operational efficiency and development flexibility offered by the embedded script setup in contrast to the traditional parsed script approach.
本论文展开了一项对Paradox Development Studio游戏事件处理框架中解析脚本与嵌入式脚本集成的性能和开发影响的全面分析,其中Lua被选作首选的嵌入式脚本语言。这项比较研究的主要目标旨在评估这些不同配置的性能指标及其对游戏开发流程的影响。通过开发并迭代改进原型,本研究探讨了嵌入式脚本设置相较于传统解析脚本方法所提供的操作效率和开发灵活性。
The results of this research show that although the Lua-based prototype did not match the performance efficiency of the original parsed script setup - with runtimes approximately 1.5 to 15 times slower - the embedded scripting approach significantly improved the development process. This improvement is attributed to the facilitation of new scripting functionality and a more streamlined script development workflow. The primary factor contributing to the extended runtimes within the Lua setup was identified as the overhead associated with the transition from C++ to Lua for event evaluation.
Suggestions for optimizing the performance of Lua-based event handling include strategies such as batching function calls and moving in-game information from C++ to Lua. These suggestions aim to mitigate the identified performance overheads, potentially narrowing the gap between Lua’s execution speeds and the native C++ setup.
This research highlights the tradeoffs between performance efficiency and development flexibility inherent in the choice between parsed and embedded scripting languages for in-game event handling. While parsed scripts offer superior performance, embedded scripts, as exemplified by Lua, provide a dynamic and extensible platform for game development.
The results of this study underscore the need to choose a scripting approach that meets the specific needs and priorities of the game development project at hand, balancing the demands of operational efficiency with the benefits of development agility.
[1] Official GlowCode homepage. http://www.glowcode.com/, December 2011.
[2] Official Lua homepage. http://www.lua.org/, December 2011.
[3] Roberto Ierusalimschy. Lua Programming Gems, chapter 2. Lua.Org, 2008.
[4] Official Lua mailing list. http://www.lua.org/lua-l.html, December 2011.
[5] Official Microsoft Support page: How To Use QueryPerformanceCounter to Time Code. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/172338, December 2011.
[6] Mike Pall. www.luajit.org, December 2011.
[7] Lua users’ wiki on the uses of Lua. http://lua-users.org/wiki/luauses, December 2011.
Appendix A Comparison of New and Original Events Files
A New Event
province_event[949] = {
trigger_prefix = [[
owner = get_owner(p)
controller = get_controller(p)
function anp_func(p, anp)
o2 = get_owner(anp)
return controlled_by(o2, anp) and government(o2, 22)
trigger = [[
not (controlled_by(p, owner)) and
not (government(owner, 22)) and
government(controller, 22) and
any_neighbor_province(p, anp_func) and
war_exhaustion(owner) >= 5 and
garrison(p) >= 1000 and
has_siege(p, false)
mean_time_to_happen_months = 300,
mean_time_to_happen_prefix = [[ owner = get_owner(p) ]],
mean_time_to_happen_factor = {
5.0, [[ luck(owner, true) ]],
0.8, [[ has_owner_religion(p, false) ]]
An Original Event
province_event = {
id = 949
trigger = {
NOT = { controlled_by = owner }
NOT = { owner = { government = steppe_horde } }
controller = { government = steppe_horde }
any_neighbor_province = {
controlled_by = owner
owner = { government = steppe_horde }
war_exhaustion = 5
garrison = 1000
has_siege = no
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 300
modifier = {
factor = 5.0
owner = { luck = yes }
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
has_owner_religion = no
title = "EVTNAME746"
desc = "EVTDESC746"
option = {
name = "EVTOPTA746"
controller = { country_event = 747 }
Appendix B Test Code
int event_nr = args[1].GetInt();
lua_State *L = initLuaEnvironment();
try {
lua_getglobal(L, "load_province_event");
lua_pushinteger(L, event_nr);
lua_call(L, 1, 0);
} catch (luabind::error e) {
} catch (std::exception e) {
AddLine(CString("---Check province trigger---"));
int count = 0;
int nr_of_prov = CCurrentGameState::AccessInstance()->GetMaxNumberOfProvinces();
AddLine(CString("Nr of provinces: ") + CString(nr_of_prov));
CProvince *prov;
std::ofstream file;
file << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5);
__int64 ctr1 = 0, ctr2 = 0, freq = 0, tot = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < _nNrOfLoops; j++) {
lua_settop(L, 0);
lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&ctr1);
for (int i = 1; i < nr_of_prov; i++) {
prov = &CCurrentGameState::AccessInstance()->GetProvince(i);
if (prov->GetOwner().IsValid()) {
try {
// calls the evaluation function in Lua
count += check_province(L, event_nr, prov, i, j);
} catch (luabind::error e) {
} catch (std::exception e) {
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&ctr2);
tot += (ctr2 - ctr1);
QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&freq);
file << "Average " << (tot * 1000.0 / freq) / _nNrOfLoops << " msecs in lua (old style)\n";
AddLine(CString(" "));
AddLine(CString("Lua event version (old):"));
AddLine(CString("Average time over ") + CString(_nNrOfLoops) + CString(" loops was ") + CString((tot * 1000.0 / freq) / _nNrOfLoops) + CString(" msec."));
AddLine(CString("Nr of true triggers: ") + CString(count));
CID id(ID_TYPE_EVENT, event_nr);
CEvent *pEvent = (CEvent*)CEvent::GetObjectFromID(id);
CSimpleRandom Random;
CEventScope scope(Random.GetInteger());
scope._Country = CNullTag();
CProvince *pProvince;
count = 0;
tot = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < _nNrOfLoops; j++) {
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&ctr1);
for (int i = 1; i < nr_of_prov; i++) {
try {
pProvince = &CCurrentGameState::AccessInstance()->GetProvince(i);
if (pProvince->GetOwner().IsValid()) {
scope._nProvince = i;
bool trigger_true = pEvent->GetTrigger().Evaluate(scope);
if (j == 0 && trigger_true)
} catch (std::exception e) {
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&ctr2);
tot += (ctr2 - ctr1);
QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&freq);
file << "Average " << (tot * 1000.0 / freq) / _nNrOfLoops << "\tmsecs in C++\n";
AddLine(CString(" "));
AddLine(CString("Original event version:"));
AddLine(CString("Average time over ") + CString(_nNrOfLoops) + CString(" loops was ") + CString((tot * 1000.0 / freq) / _nNrOfLoops) + CString(" msec."));
AddLine(CString("Nr of true triggers: ") + CString(count));
AddLine(CString(" "));